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We have answers

How do I know if I'm ready to join?

Current and former clients have come to us due to a wide variety of reasons. Some have serious health issues told by doctors to make a change. Some looked in the mirror and felt uncomfortable with their appearance. Some had a life-altering experience.Whatever their motivation, we accepted them, and most have said, “I wish I started sooner.” We understand life is busy, but waiting won’t help. Our coaches accept our clients’ life circumstances and develop plans to work within your schedule. You will know if you’re ready, but we urge you not to wait when it comes to your health: it is the most important thing you have.

What is expected of me?

We ask all of our clients to come with the right attitude, a willingness to learn, and effort. We also know how vital communication is, and we need our clients to keep our coaches up to date with changes in their life. Updates can occur through email and text, along with our weekly and monthly assessments. Lastly, honesty is equally important. Plans will not work if clients are not following the methods provided.

How will I know when I am done?

This answer varies based on when you have the tools to succeed on your own. When that time comes differs among clients, but your coach will educate you to ensure you have the right mindset and a sustainable plan. We have clients who stay with us for many years because ongoing support and accountability best suit their health goals. We have other clients who reach their immediate goals and adopt healthy habits to continue their journeys independently. Both cases are successes.

Is there an agreement or contract that I have to sign?

Yes. We have a minimum commitment of Four months because change takes time, a reputation based on our clients’ successes, development of long-term plans, and sustainable progress. During the initial assessment, your coach will map out a plan to achieve your goal, so you know what to expect and why.

What types of clients do you work with?

We have and will work with anyone – if they are willing to make a fair effort. We have worked with clients of all ages and genders, from teenagers to seniors, lifestyle clients,and competition clients. We have worked with clients who had various illnesses from cancer to auto-immune diseases, as well as people who have suffered life-altering injuries and accidents. Our nutrition experts have worked with clients with multiple food restrictions, including life-threatening allergies, while our coaches have worked with clients living with various mental illnesses. Our team has worked with many unique clients and personalities across a spectrum of health histories. We are confident we have the right coach for you.

How do I start?

Reach out to us through phone, email, text, or social media, and we will quickly respond. First, we will communicate what the next steps will be, and we will send you information to plan your first meeting with a coach. The next step is an initial assessment, a meet, and greet, finding out what you are looking for, ask pertinent questions to develop your first plan.

How does the coaching work?

We provide a seamless online experience. You meet with your coach for an initial assessment, and from there, we provide your plans and instructions to get you started.Your coach will stay in touch with you and answer all your questions at any time. Each week, you’ll complete a weekly check-in, and your coach will provide you with video feedback discussing a vast range of topics. You will also meet with your coach monthly to review and change plans and document progress. Each program will provide you detailed instructions and supports to complete your exercise regimen and a comprehensive, easy-to-follow meal plan broken down to the calories.Lastly, you have access to online educational videos, upcoming live webinars, and opportunities to attend community events, such as boot camps and other services.

What is your privacy policy?

We understand how personal and private you may want to be with your health. We never share photos without consent, and all information we collect is securely stored. Clients go through a comprehensive document during the initial assessment that outlines our company policies and our coaches’ roles and responsibilities, including their information security standards.

Is the plan only available for individuals who workout at a gym?

No. Our plans are entirely personalized and built to your requirements and needs. During your initial assessment, your coach will ask about your available training facilities and ensure your exercise plan is adjusted accordingly.

What if I try the program and it isn't for me?

Don’t let a bad experience harm your commitment to reach your wellness goals. We’ve had thousands of clients succeed on our program thanks to our proven support system and high-caliber coaches. It takes time to see results, and you need to commit to your personal goal. If you aren’t happy with the program, please let your coach know why and they’ll make the necessary adjustments. Still not satisfied after those adjustments? Please email our Head Coach and Founder, Grant Reid, at grant.r@gfitwellness.ca, and he will make sure your experience is world-class.

How much do you charge and what payment options are there?

Refer to our pricing page for details as it depends on individual and corporate offerings.Payment is required and processed at the start taken during the initial assessment and subsequently each month after. We accept credit cards and debit only.

What is the difference between you and a personal trainer?

Personal trainers offer benefits such as individual training sessions and excellent motivation during your workouts. The 45-60 minutes they spend with you during a session is great – but G-FIT offers additional services that support enduring healthy habits. G-FIT provides a complete meal and exercise program and numerous resources, and 24/7 communication to help you reach your goals. While exercise is essential and necessary, this is only one part of the wellness equation. Guidance on the foods you eat, when to eat them, how much water to drink, what supplements to take are just a few examples of what separates us from a personal trainer. We help our clients set specific goals and provide support and accountability throughout their journey. We have a massive team behind the scenes adopting new technologies and services to ensure you have a complete wellness platform that suits your health journey.

When should I expect my insurance receipts, and who do I contact for issues?

Insurance receipts are dispatched within five business days post-verification of your processed monthly payment. Check your inbox and spam folders for emails from support@gfitwellness.ca. If missing, contact your coach first. They can either address it directly or involve our admin team.

When can I access the GFIT App, and who do I contact for issues?

Access is granted one business day after payment processing. Look for an email from grant@gfitwellness.ca. If not found, check your inbox, promotions, and spam folders for an email from grant.r@gfitwellness.ca. Contact your coach for the temporary app access password and escalate to our app team if needed.

Who do I contact for program changes or membership cancellation?

For any changes to your program or membership cancellation, For program changes or membership cancellations, please reach out to your coach. Note that cancellation requests must be submitted at least 30 days before the next billing date, following the completion of your 4-month agreement period.

When should I expect the referral fee, and who do I contact for issues?

Referral Gift Cards are sent post-client sign-up and successful payment processing within 10 business days. Check the GFIT App for processing status. If not received, check your email folders, including the Spam. Contact support@gfitwellness.ca if needed.

How do I book sessions with registered health professionals?

Session booking links with registered professionals are sent after payment processing. Check your inbox, promotions, and spam folders. If links are still missing post-payment, contact support@gfitwellness.ca. Please note that the dietitians are the only registered professionals who will contact the clients directly to book the sessions when the meal plan are ready.

How can I contact my registered professional?

Session booking links are sent after payment processing. Check your inbox, promotions, and spam folders. If links are missing post-payment, contact support@gfitwellness.ca.

How can I cancel an appointment with my coach or registered professional?

Once you book your appointment, you will receive an email confirmation allowing you to accept the meeting in your calendar. You can cancel or reschedule it using the links at the bottom of the calendar invite.

Who do I contact for changing my billing information?

Contact your coach for billing information changes and other payment inquiries.

Where do I complete my Weekly Check-In?

You can check in via the GFIT App or through the following link: Weekly Check-In

Still, have questions about GFIT? Get in touch

Book a call with our Wellness Coordinator to learn more