
Kitchen Organization

These tricks and tips to are going to help you eliminate temptations in the kitchen and replace those with nutrient-dense foods that leave you feeling satisfied and full of energy. Eating healthy is not as difficult as you think; you don’t need special detox tea or diet pills. All you need is a kitchen guide to organize your fridge, freezer, and pantry.

Let's walk through some simple steps that will help you achieve this!

Tip 1: Stock up on healthy foods that are easy to grab or prepare. 

Take inventory of your kitchen, and any items that are highly processed and low in nutrients, such as potato chips, packaged cookies, and candy, should be moved to an area that is out of sight. Some people prefer to remove these items altogether; however, that’s up to you.

There’s nothing wrong with having a cookie occasionally, but moderation is key. Your goal is to have healthy items on hand to gravitate to those more often than not.

Tip 2: Creating Zones

A well-planned out kitchen organization strategy (especially inside your pantry) puts healthy choices front and center right where you will see them and the more tempting snacks out of plain view. Maybe you have one shelf for baked goods, one for cereals, and put the “healthiest zone” with items like oats, seeds and nuts, whole grains, beans, and canned proteins at eye level. 

Store the tempting treats and your kid’s snacks in areas you won't see very often, like the top shelf or a separate drawer or cupboard. Let’s face it; it’s a lot easier to stick to a healthier eating plan and reach your goals when you’re not regularly making eye contact with your kid’s lunchbox snacks.

You’ll crave less of the highly processed, less nutritious foods you want to avoid because you won’t even see them. Out of sight means out of mind!

Tip 3: Food Storage 

Using Clear Storage Jars, Tupperware Containers, Ziplock, and freezer bags will help keep your food more organized, visible, and fresh for longer. For example, Transfer cereals and oats into plastic jars; that way, you can easily see the quantities remaining for each product.

Use large Tupperware containers for chopped-up fruits and vegetables, like berries, peppers, cucumbers, etc. Or to store cooked proteins and starches, such as chicken breasts and rice.

Use Freezer Bags to store lean meats in the freezer so that you can pull out the appropriate serving size as you need.  Ziplock bags are a great way to portion control snacks for the day, such as nuts, crackers, and fruits.

Juggling work, kids, activities, and housework can be very overwhelming. When you feel stressed, pressed for time, and hungry, you reach for foods that give you instant gratification. Organizing your kitchen using some of the tips that we’ve covered will set you up to succeed and make reaching your goals just that much easier. Now it’s time to go grocery shopping and fill your Pantry, Fridge, and Freezer with healthy staples. 

Book a call with our Wellness Coordinator to learn more